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W3FF Buddipole - by ZR6KMD

After chatting with Budd W3FF I decided to try my hand at building a rotateable dipole specifically for the 20m band as this was my area of interest for DX and field station work.

Bud provided me with all his documentation on both the Buddistick and Buddipole antennas.

This I used as a basis for my experiments and built the first one. I had a two "S" point improvement over my multiband Inverted Vee. The antenna is noisier, but that may just be signals I have never heard before on the Inverted Vee. 

Subsequently I have changed the dimensions slightly and improved reception as well as SWR. This improved to the point where the needle at 100W does not deflect at all without even having an ATU in line. The specifications I used are provided in the JPG document here. The new dimensions will be provided soon with additional pics.

This antenna breaks up into two pieces about 1.2 m long and is easily transportable for field stations. It takes about 5 minutes to set up and tune making it perfect for emergency operations. Thanks go to Budd W3FF for his assistance in building this awesome little antenna




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